Neighborhood News June 29, 2020

Neighborhood News June 29, 2020

Bullock Museum
The Bullock Museum remains closed. Museum staff are carefully planning for a future reopening that is safe, welcoming and provides an enjoyable experience. Meanwhile, make plans to join one of their online programs. Visit the Museum online at:

Blanton Museum
The Blanton Museum is still closed to the public. Visit and explore the museum via their website at:

Moody Center – on the UT Campus
The construction of the Moody Center will affect the traffic patterns in the MLK Blvd. and Red River Street corridors. For traffic and project updates visit: UT Construction Disruptions.

To view the construction webcams visit:

Waterloo Greenway Park
The Waterloo Greenway is an ambitious project to restore Waller Creek, improve the downtown storm water infrastructure and create a 1.5 mile park system. For more details on the history of this project visit:

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