Game Day Traffic and Parking November 10, 2020
Last UT Home Game
November 27 (Friday) – Texas vs. Iowa State @ TBA
UT Game Day Public Parking
Game day public parking will be open at select State parking garages A, B, E, G, Q and Lots 12 and 19. Public parking locations are pay upon entry and open Saturdays based on posted game times. Friday night parking/tailgating is not permissible and tailgating before/after the game is prohibited.
To comply with COVID-19 pandemic special event orders and recommendations for outdoor gatherings, TFC will be prohibiting tailgating on State property for the 2020 Longhorn Football season.
Closed: STATE GARAGE R for UT Issued Alumni Parking Permits Only.
ALL spaces in State Garage R, located at 1706 San Jacinto Blvd., are temporarily leased to the University of Texas for Football Home Games. ALL spaces are utilized for parking with a UT Issued Alumni Parking Permit Only. The parking permit must be the appropriate color and game designated for use. Neither State employees nor the general public are permitted to utilize this State garage.
Game Day Traffic
No street closures are planned within the Capitol Complex for UT Football Home Games, however, expect delays due to increased traffic.
This season Trinity St. between MLK Blvd. & 15th St. remains northbound on game days. This is the normal traffic flow for Trinity St. (Exiting traffic will NOT change directions as it has in previous years.)
REMINDER to all State Employees: Remove ALL State employee personal vehicles from ALL surface parking lots in the Capitol Complex area, the CSB back lots, and the WBT loading dock by 6:00 PM each Friday before a UT Football Home Game.