Pedestrian and Parking Update September 30, 2019
Safe Crosswalks:
- To cross MLK Blvd. at:
- Colorado: Use the western crosswalk and the north sidewalk closest to the Blanton Cafe
- Congress (at the Bullock Museum): Use the western crosswalk closest to the Blanton Café.
Note: This intersection is now a pedestrian only crossing. - Brazos (at the ERS Building): Use the (Blanton) north sidewalk along MLK Blvd. to San Jacinto, cross MLK Blvd. using the eastern crosswalk closest to the bridge over the creek (just before Trinity).
- Trinity (to go to the Capitol): Use either crosswalk to travel south on Trinity around the San Jacinto Street closure.
Closed Sidewalks:
- Closed: MLK east bound sidewalk from Congress Avenue (in front of Bullock Museum) to San Jacinto.
- Closed: West side sidewalk along the 18th block of Brazos and the crosswalk over MLK Blvd. at Brazos.
- Closed: Sidewalks in the 18th block of San Jacinto.
SAFE ROUTES – Use the Safe Sidewalks routes developed for this project. Follow the “yellow brick road” sidewalk routes. Look for updated wayfinding signs throughout the Capitol Complex. The signs include the Safe Sidewalk Routes Map and directions for travel around the Complex. (Download a map here.)
Capitol Complex Parking
- Free 30-minute Visitor Parking in Garage R
With utility construction happening throughout the complex, many public parking spaces have been removed. As a courtesy to visitors to the area, the Texas Facilities Commission has installed 17 new, 30-minute, public visitor parking spaces on the first floor of Garage R. Only designated spaces are open to the public on a first-come first service basis. DPS will ticket any vehicles exceeding the time limit and vehicles with State parking permits.The Brazos entrance to this garage is now open via 17th Street.
Click here for more information on visitor parking in the Capitol Complex.
Important Safety Reminders
WATCH YOUR STEP – There is uneven pavement everywhere due to the construction.
STOP – LOOK BOTH WAYS – SLOW DOWN – for pedestrians in the crosswalks and bikes along San Jacinto.
Thank you for your patience and courtesy during the construction project.