Yearly Archives - 2019

General Capitol Complex News May 13, 2019

Waller Creek Conservancy: Despite the heavy rains, construction continues on the redevelopment of the flood control tunnel; environmental protection features and Waterloo Park. Stop by before May 16th to see the Forever Bicycles art installation and check out other Waller Creek Conservancy events here. ERS (Employee Retirement System) Updates: Construction of the new building has begun. Be sure to notice the barricades along MLK and San Jacinto and the closed sidewalks and crosswalks on that corner. ERS will be coordinating [...]


Parking Update May 13, 2019

Bagged meters: If you park at a bagged meter, you may be towed! More curb parking will be eliminated as utility work along the streets must be completed. Public Parking for State business visitors is available at the Capitol Visitor Parking Garage (1201 San Jacinto Blvd., Austin, TX 78701) Public Parking for tourists and visitors: UT Brazos Garage – 201 E. MLK Blvd., Austin, TX 78712 UT East Campus – 1200 E. MLK Blvd., Austin, TX 78712 UT Manor Garage – 2017 Robert Dedman [...]


Construction Update May 13, 2019

TRUSS: Temporary / Relocated / Utility /Structural / Support Later this week, a TRUSS will be installed across Congress Avenue to serve as a conduit for the chiller water lines, water lines and utilities lines that serve the LBJ, SFA and Travis buildings. Business continuity is a major concern for the construction management team. To prevent any lost in power or services to our state office buildings, a custom TRUSS was designed and manufactured to support all the important service [...]


Building in the Rain

May 2019 may go down in history as ‘monsoon May’. So far, the Austin area has received 17.8 inches of rain, about 50% of the average annual rainfall expected for the year. The good news is that we can ‘build in the rain’. The construction of 1801 Congress is almost four months ahead of plans, since the excavation was completed ahead of schedule. Although the heavy rains flooded the pit, the site is equipped with pumps and work continues on [...]


Graduation Traffic Season

The month of May is memorable for Mother’s Day and graduation ceremonies. If you graduated from an Austin area high school or college, chances are you walked across the stage at the Frank Erwin Center. Located just a few blocks from the Capitol Complex, the Frank Erwin Center has also served as a live entertainment venue since it opened in 1977. Many popular headliners such as John Denver, Prince, Pink Floyd, and Sir Paul McCartney have played the Erwin [...]


Construction Update May 1, 2019

Closed Crosswalks: MLK east bound crosswalk over Congress Avenue (in front of Bullock Museum) and eastern crosswalk over MLK at Congress (this is the Construction Zone exit.). MLK east bound at Brazos and at San Jacinto and both crosswalks over MLK at Brazos are closed. Use the eastern crosswalk at San Jacinto to cross over MLK. See the Safe Sidewalk Routes Map on wayfinding signboards at most intersections for best options. Lane closures for utility work will continue through May. East bound lane of [...]


Parking Update May 1, 2019

Public Parking for State business visitors is available at the Capitol Visitor Parking Garage (1201 San Jacinto Blvd., Austin, TX 78701) Public Parking for tourists and visitors: ◦UT Brazos Garage – 201 E. MLK Blvd., Austin, TX 78712 UT East Campus – 1200 E. MLK Blvd., Austin, TX 78712 UT Manor Garage – 2017 Robert Dedman Dr., Austin, TX 78712 UT Trinity Garage – 1815 Trinity Street, Austin, TX 78712 UT Austin Public Parking – 2002 University Ave., Austin, TX 78705 UT Health Center Garage [...]


Capitol Complex News May 1, 2019

Blanton Museum of Art: Take advantage of the special events at the Blanton this month. Plan your visit for a Thursday and get free admission or come by after work on Fridays when the museum stays open until 8:00 p.m. Stop by and enjoy live music or a free public tour. For pedestrians crossing MLK, use the crosswalk closest to the Blanton Café and across from the Bullock Museum. For more Blanton news, subscribe to their newsletter here. Bullock Museum: [...]


Crosswalks are still cool.

Providing safe travel for State employees and visitors on sidewalks and campus streets is our primary focus for the Capitol Complex improvements. As you plan your daily commute or visit, please remember the following: Important Safety Reminders Plan extra travel time. Please be patient and cautious. Drivers: Please use slower speeds around the Capitol Complex and especially near construction entrances and exits. DO NOT ENTER THE CONSTRUCTION ZONE. Please respect the flagmen as they direct construction traffic in and out of the work [...]


Capitol Complex News April 16, 2019

Blanton Museum of Art: When walking along MLK Blvd between Brazos and Congress, please use the Blanton sidewalk (on the UT side of the street). The  sidewalk on the south side is closed. Also, please use the cross walk closest to the Blanton Café and across from the Bullock Museum. Make plans to visit the Blanton on the “Third Thursdays’ for free admission. The museum is open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. for this special event. For more Blanton [...]