Crosswalks are still cool.

Crosswalks are still cool.

Providing safe travel for State employees and visitors on sidewalks and campus streets is our primary focus for the Capitol Complex improvements. As you plan your daily commute or visit, please remember the following:

Important Safety Reminders

  • Plan extra travel time. Please be patient and cautious.
  • Drivers: Please use slower speeds around the Capitol Complex and especially near construction entrances and exits.
  • DO NOT ENTER THE CONSTRUCTION ZONE. Please respect the flagmen as they direct construction traffic in and out of the work area. It is their job to help keep everyone safe.
  • Please DO NOT move or remove construction or detour signs. The law requires signage in key areas to ensure public safety. (Moving mandated markers can result in a fine.)
  • Please STOP for pedestrians in cross walks. Please use caution. Not all crosswalks have signal lights.
  • DO NOT “Jay-walk”. Please cross the streets at crosswalks only.
  • DO NOT walk in the bike lane on MLK between Brazos and Congress. Cross the street and use the northside sidewalk. Bike lanes are reserved for bikes. Please watch out for cyclists in the bike lanes and around the Complex.

Thank you for your patience and courtesy during the construction project.

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