Making History: TFC Prepares to Open Phase I
The Texas Facilities Commission (TFC) is finishing the final details on one of the most complicated construction projects in Austin to transform the Capitol Complex into an iconic destination for all Texans. The vision began in 2010 with the approval of a new master plan for the landholdings surrounding the majestic Texas State Capitol building. This was followed by years of planning and preparation, and then four years of heavy construction activity to erect two new state office buildings, a new central utility plant and a three-block long civic green space lined with native trees.
Today, we can see the completion of many important milestones of Phase I of the Capitol Complex. Both new State office buildings are now occupied by over a thousand employees, the utility plant is fully operational, and there is green grass and trees on most areas of the mall. Yet, there are still punch lists and many little details to complete before we close this chapter of construction.
By mid-December, the construction barriers will come down and TFC will open the streets and sidewalks for vehicles and pedestrians. Once this happens, visitors to the Texas Capitol Mall can take selfies in front of the granite wall on MLK and the star at the Bullock. We can hardly wait to see the Mall come to life with activity.