Texas Mall and Parking Garage – 18th and 16th Street blocks – (Package 6)
The Texas Mall is taking shape. Construction crews are laying sidewalks and pavers to form the pedestrian path from MLK Blvd. to 16th Street. The northern section of the Texas Mall near the Bob Bullock Museum is well underway. The paver lined walkways will soon connect to the Museum Plaza, and the first batch of native trees have been planted along the Mall.
18th Street between Congress and Brazos is still under construction and is being used to bring materials onsite. The temporary truss across Congress Avenue, that carried the utilities across the construction zone is currently being dismantled. This block will be next for the construction of hardscapes and landscaping.
The west entrance ramp to the Mall Garage on 17th Street has been paved and the ramp is almost complete. Some temporary barriers to the construction zone on 17th Street have been removed. However, the Mall garage is NOT open for use and is still considered part of the construction zone. The east entrance ramp on 17th Street is still under construction.
Once completed, the five-story underground parking garage will be for the sole use of State employees. Tenants from the Barbara Jordan, William B. Travis, the Stephen F. Austin buildings, and other State buildings located on Congress Avenue or near the Mall will have access to park in the garage. (Note: The tenants of the George H.W. Bush Building will park in that building’s parking garage.)