
Traffic Update September 11, 2019

San Jacinto Blvd. will be closed to one lane from September 16- 27. Parking Lot 12 permanently closed on Monday, September 9 and is now being used as a construction staging area. (This lot will be available for tailgating on UT Home Game days.) Brazos Street from MLK Blvd to 18th Street will be closed throughout the week of September 9 for the installation of cranes on the 1801 Congress construction site. Watch out for flaggers and please respect the traffic signs.


Construction Update August 29, 2019 – Important Street Closure Alert On San Jacinto Blvd

Lane Closure: Only the center lane of San Jacinto Blvd. will be open between MLK Blvd. and 18th street from September 7-21, 2019. Street Closure: San Jacinto Blvd. will be CLOSED from MLK Blvd to 18th street from September 21 – November 25, 2019 Lane closures for utility work will continue through October Closed: One eastbound lane of MLK Colorado will be CLOSED from September 6-20, 2019 . The bike lane is also closed. “Share the Road” and watch out for [...]


Construction Update August 2, 2019

Safe Crosswalks To cross MLK Blvd. at: Colorado – Use the western crosswalk and the north sidewalk to reach the Congress Ave. crosswalk in front of the Blanton Cafe. Congress (at the Bullock Museum) – Use the western crosswalk closest to the Blanton Cafe. NOTE: This intersection is now a pedestrian only crossing. Brazos (at the ERS Building) – Use the north sidewalk alont MLK Blvd. to San Jacinto, cross MLK Blvd. using the eastern crosswalk closest to the creek (just before Trinity St.). San [...]


Construction Update July 17, 2019

Safe Crosswalks To cross MLK Blvd. at: Colorado – use the north sidewalk to reach the Congress Ave. crosswalk in front to the Blanton Cafe. Congress (at the Bullock Museum) – Use the western crosswalk closest to the Blanton Cafe. Brazos (at the ERS Building) – Use the north side walk to San Jacinto, cross MLK Blvd. using the eastern crosswalk closest to the creek. San Jacinto (to go to the Capitol) – Use the eastern crosswalk closest to the creek. Closed Crosswalks Closed – MLK [...]


Construction Update July 5, 2019

Safe Crosswalks   To cross MLK Blvd. at:  Colorado – use the north sidewalk to reach the Congress Ave. crosswalk in front to the Blanton Cafe Congress (at the Bullock Museum) – Use the western crosswalk closest to the Blanton Cafe Brazos (at the ERS Building) – Use the eastern crosswalk in front of the Brazos Garage San Jacinto (to go to the Capitol) – Use the eastern crosswalk closest to the creek Closed Crosswalks   Closed – MLK Blvd. east bound crosswalk over Congress Avenue (in front [...]


Construction Update June 21, 2019

Closed Crosswalks: Closed – MLK east bound crosswalk over Congress Avenue (in front of Bullock Museum) Closed – The eastern crosswalk over MLK at Congress (now the Construction Zone exit) Closed – East bound sidewalk along MLK from Congress to San Jacinto Closed – West side sidewalk along Brazos from MLK to 18th Street Closed – West side crosswalk over MLK at Brazos Closed – West side crosswalk over MLK at San Jacinto To cross MLK – Use the eastern crosswalk at Brazos and MLK or [...]



The TRUSS (Temporary / Relocated / Utility /Structural / Support) has been installed across Congress Avenue to serve as a conduit for the chiller water lines, water lines and utilities lines that serve the LBJ, SFA and Travis buildings. This TRUSS and its piping were designed specifically for this project by Cobb-Fendley and its team (Brierley Associates, MWM DesignGroup, and Burns & McDonnell). It was manufactured in Dripping Springs and is 152 feet long and weighs 166,000 pounds. Because [...]


Construction Update May 13, 2019

TRUSS: Temporary / Relocated / Utility /Structural / Support Later this week, a TRUSS will be installed across Congress Avenue to serve as a conduit for the chiller water lines, water lines and utilities lines that serve the LBJ, SFA and Travis buildings. Business continuity is a major concern for the construction management team. To prevent any lost in power or services to our state office buildings, a custom TRUSS was designed and manufactured to support all the important service [...]


Construction Update May 1, 2019

Closed Crosswalks: MLK east bound crosswalk over Congress Avenue (in front of Bullock Museum) and eastern crosswalk over MLK at Congress (this is the Construction Zone exit.). MLK east bound at Brazos and at San Jacinto and both crosswalks over MLK at Brazos are closed. Use the eastern crosswalk at San Jacinto to cross over MLK. See the Safe Sidewalk Routes Map on wayfinding signboards at most intersections for best options. Lane closures for utility work will continue through May. East bound lane of [...]


Crosswalks are still cool.

Providing safe travel for State employees and visitors on sidewalks and campus streets is our primary focus for the Capitol Complex improvements. As you plan your daily commute or visit, please remember the following: Important Safety Reminders Plan extra travel time. Please be patient and cautious. Drivers: Please use slower speeds around the Capitol Complex and especially near construction entrances and exits. DO NOT ENTER THE CONSTRUCTION ZONE. Please respect the flagmen as they direct construction traffic in and out of the work [...]