Construction Update August 2, 2019
Safe Crosswalks
To cross MLK Blvd. at:
- Colorado – Use the western crosswalk and the north sidewalk to reach the Congress Ave. crosswalk in front of the Blanton Cafe.
- Congress (at the Bullock Museum) – Use the western crosswalk closest to the Blanton Cafe.
- NOTE: This intersection is now a pedestrian only crossing.
- Brazos (at the ERS Building) – Use the north sidewalk alont MLK Blvd. to San Jacinto, cross MLK Blvd. using the eastern crosswalk closest to the creek (just before Trinity St.).
- San Jacinto (to go to the Capitol) – Use the eastern crosswalk closest to the creek (just before Trinity St.).
Closed Crosswalks
- Closed – MLK Blvd. east bound sidewalks and crosswalks from Colorado to San Jacinto over Congress Avenue (in front of Bullock Museum) and Brazos.
- Closed – West side sidewalk along the 18th block of Brazos and the crosswalk over MLK Blvd. at Brazos.
See the Safe Sidewalk Routes Map on wayfinding signboards at most intersections for best options.
Lane closures for utility work will continue through July.
- ALERT – Brazos is closed from the entrance of Garage R to 18th street. West Bound Travis and ERS visitors and traffic will have access on 17th Street.
- ALERT – There will be intermittent closures of the eastern southbound lane of San Jacinto from MLK Blvd. to 18th for utility construction.
- Closed – East bound lane of MLK Blvd. from Lavaca to San Jacinto is closed for utility work. The bike lane is also closed. “Share the Road” and watch out for bikes.
- Closed – The western south bound lane of San Jacinto from MLK Blvd. to 18th Street is closed. The sidewalk and bike lane are also closed. (This is not a TFC project.)
Project Updates
- 1801 Congress (site across from the Bullock) – Work on the foundations are on schedule. Look out for about 15-25 concrete truck daily entering the site from San Jacinto and 18th Street and exiting on Brazos onto MLK Blvd. The construction cranes are due on-site in mid-August.
- 1601 Congress – The excavation is almost complete and foundation work on the walls of the site are now visible. Hauling trucks will continue to exit onto MLK Blvd. through September.
- Colorado Street – Utility work will cause intermittent lane closures at 18th Street.
- 15th Street and Colorado – There will be weekend utility work at this intersection. Expect delays.
- 17th Street – Night time utility work is on schedule through August 19.
- San Jacinto and MLK Blvd. – Look-out for utility lane closures and commercial vehicles traveling south on San Jacinto at MLK. Trucks will exit south bound on San Jacinto at 18th Street. (This is not a TFC project.)
- Guadalupe and MLK Blvd. – Capitol Metro and the City of Austin are building a contra-flow bus lane at that corner. Read about this project here.
- Lavaca Street – Look out for the new RED bus lanes, the new traffic signal at 18th Street and other traffic pattern changes.
Important Safety Reminders
WATCH YOUR STEP – There is uneven pavement everywhere due to the construction.
STOP – LOOK BOTH WAYS – SLOW DOWN – for pedestrians in the crosswalks and bikes along San Jacinto.
SAFE ROUTES – Use the Safe Sidewalks routes developed for this project. Follow the “yellow brick road” sidewalk routes. Look for updated wayfinding signs throughout the Capitol Complex. The signs include the Safe Sidewalk Routes Map and directions for travel around the Complex. (Download a map here.)
Thank you for your patience and courtesy during the construction project.