Construction Progress Report November 10, 2020
Package 1 – The Excavation
The excavation for the underground parking has been completed.
(General Contractor: JE Dunn Construction)
Package 2 – Utility Relocation
Over 20 utilities systems were rerouted, improved or required new installations to support the transformation of the Capitol Complex. An important campus improvement has been a new electrical vault and switching system in the Stephen F. Austin Building. This upgrade includes the full renovation of the Austin Energy Electrical Vault and an upgraded power supply equipment to support the new Central Utility Plant (Phase I) and the future power demands of Phases II and III of the Capitol Complex.
To bring the newly renovated electrical vault online, TFC must initiate a full power shutdown of the SFA building. This shutdown also affects the cooling system for the LBJ and WBT buildings, however the electricity to these other buildings will not be affected by this power outage.
To minimize disruption and inconvenience to State agency tenants, this total power outage has been planned for the Thanksgiving holidays. The full electrical shut down of the SFA building will start at 12 noon on Wednesday, November 25th. The work will be completed by Sunday, November 29th. (General Contractor: JE Dunn Construction)
Package 3 – Central Utility Plant
Work is progressing quickly with the exterior curtain wall details, the installation of the sunshade louvers and the metal panels. (General Contractor: JE Dunn Construction)
Package 4 – 1801 Congress Office Building
The George H.W. Bush building at 1801 Congress and flagship of the Capitol Complex, is now at level 8 of 14 stories. The installation of the exterior curtain can be seen from Brazos Street. Watch the daily progress on the construction cameras. The exterior wall mock-up is on display in the parking lot on the corner of MLK Blvd. and San Jacinto Streets. (General Contractor: Flintco)
Package 5 – 1601 Congress Office Building
The 1601 Congress office building seems in a race to top out before the 1801 Congress office building. Crews are now working on level 8 and the installation of the structural steel for the curtain walls has begun. The mock-up of the exterior walls is being completed and can be view in the construction lot across the loading dock of the Central Services Building. Concrete and buildings supplies are arriving through the construction gate at 16th Street, Monday through Saturdays. (General Contractor: White Construction)
Package 6 – Underground Parking Garage and Texas Mall
There are now three cranes installed for the work on the underground parking structure beneath the Texas Mall. The northern section of the underground garage (nearest to the UT campus) is progressing quickly with the waterproofing of the garage almost complete. This busy section is receiving concrete and building supplies via the Congress Avenue construction gate. (General Contractor: White Construction)
Watch the progress on all these projects via the construction cameras on our project website.