Construction Traffic Updates November 10, 2020

Construction Traffic Updates November 10, 2020

SAFETY ALERT: Slow down on MLK Blvd. between Lavaca and Trinity

Lane Closures on MLK Blvd. in front of the Museums: An east bound lane of MLK Blvd. from Colorado to Brazos Street (in front of the Bullock and Blanton Museums) will be closed for the duration of the Capitol Complex construction project. This lane will be used as a construction loading zone for the underground parking garages. Watch out for heavy equipment and construction vehicles entering and exiting the site at Congress Avenue.

Expect lane closures on MLK Blvd. between Brazos and San Jacinto, from construction work on the Employee Retirement System building on that corner. (This is not a TFC project.)

IMPORTANT: Use extreme caution turning onto San Jacinto from MLK Blvd. in either direction.

Employee Retirement System office building (San Jacinto & MLK Blvd.)

Lane Closures on San Jacinto and 18th Street: The southbound lane of San Jacinto from MLK to 18th Street, along the new ERS building, remains closed. The sidewalk along the 1800 block is also closed.

Please use extra caution when traveling south on San Jacinto from MLK Blvd. to 15th Street – and YIELD to pedestrians in the crosswalks.

Now open – 18th Street between San Jacinto and Brazos: The construction gate at Brazos and 18th Street remains busy with construction delivery vehicles and construction workers entering and exiting the site. Drive slowly in this area as you access the W.B. Travis Building, ERS building or Garage R.

Construction Zone Exits at 17th and 16th Streets: Watch out of heavy construction equipment and vehicles entering and exiting the construction zone onto San Jacinto from the 17th and 16th construction exits. (17th Street: near Scholtz, Garage R and the LBJ Building); 16th Street at Garage P.

Visitors to Scholz (San Jacinto and 17th Street): Watch out for construction vehicles exiting the construction zone traveling east on 17th Street – and use the sidewalk along the Central Services Building to travel between San Jacinto and Trinity.

Follow us on Twitter for specific details on street closures. @TFCtx


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