Construction Update April 16, 2019
Reminder! ‘Look Ahead Project Maps’ Available: Detailed construction updates are now available on a weekly map. The TFC construction management team is now publishing weekly project maps with easy to follow updates on what to expect going forward. Follow the work in progress each week. Updated Maps will be posted every Tuesday morning. See the map and details here:
Utility Work: Expect detours and lane closures for the next few months, as the underground utility work proceeds.
- Colorado Street – Look for crews working on the new traffic signal light at the corner of Colorado and MLK Blvd. Utility work will be ongoing from 16th to 18th Streets. Look for work crews on the south side of the Bullock Museum.
- Brazos Street – Utility and communication lines work will be ongoing from MLK Blvd to 18th Street. Watch for flagmen directing traffic and lane closures and delays in this area.
- MLK Blvd. – The southern sidewalk along MKL Blvd. from Congress to Brazos remains closed. Utility work under the sidewalk will begin on or about April 22.
Hauling: Please respect the flagmen on MLK Blvd. and watch out for 18-wheelers exiting on MLK Blvd. Approximately 200 vehicles a day will be leaving the site from Congress Avenue and turning right on MLK Blvd. Haulers will be entering the construction zone from 15th Street or from Lavaca and 17th Street.
Hauling: Please respect the flagmen on MLK Blvd. and watch out for 18-wheelers exiting on MLK Blvd. Approximately 200 vehicles a day will be leaving the site from Congress Avenue and turning right on MLK Blvd. Haulers will be entering the construction zone from 15th Street or from Lavaca and 17th Street.
1801 Congress: The 65-foot-deep excavation at 1801 Congress has been completed. The next step is preparing the pit for the construction of the underground parking and the structure of the building above. During this process, the soil ramp into the pit will be reconfigured to run along the west wall in a north to south orientation. Drilling for the piers of the new building will begin the first of May. There will also be a transition from our excavation contractor to our construction contractors. New crews and vehicles will be staging onsite. Click here to see a daily snapshot of the construction site.
1601 Congress: Excavation is on schedule and crews will be working through mid-September on this site. The pit is about three stories deep now. The work hours will continue Monday through Saturday from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. The rock hammering activities will be primarily from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. most days – with most of the hauling in the morning and mid-day hours. A drilling rig will be onsite, as needed. This will make a constant noise like a large truck revving its engine.
Follow the “yellow brick road” sidewalk routes: Look for updated wayfinding signs throughout the Capitol Complex. The signs include the Safe Sidewalk Routes Map and directions for travel around the Complex. (Download a map here.)