Working through the summer…

Working through the summer…

In this newsletter, we will take a quick look back to the vision of the project and show you some stunning new drone photography of the work in progress.

The first phase of the Capitol Complex Project is an enormous undertaking that will transform three city blocks from MLK Blvd. to the Texas State Capitol Building (See an animated video of the project’s vision by clicking the banner image of this newsletter.)

Recently, John Raff, Deputy Executive Director, Facilities Design and Construction for the Texas Facilities Commission was interviewed about this new civic landmark during a Flintco Forward podcast. Listen to the interview here:

As you may recall, the Texas Capitol Complex construction project consists of six concurrent construction projects carefully planned so all will be completed in the Summer of 2022. Each major project is called a “package” and is managed by a professional construction company in coordination with Balfour Beatty, as Construction Manager Agent for Phase I of the Capitol Complex Project. Take a look at a picture summary of the progress of each of the “packages”.

Package 1 – The Excavation
The excavation of the sites for the three new structures (two new office buildings and the Central Utility plant) is complete. The excavation for the underground parking is almost complete. (Contractor: JE Dunn Construction)

Package 2 – Utility Relocation
One of the larger investments of this project is a new storm water line that carries runoff rainwater from the Complex to Waller Creek. This massive underground storm water tunnel feeding into Waller Creek at Trinity Street has been constructed in stages. (Contractor: JE Dunn Construction)

Package 3 – Central Utility Plant
To support the new office buildings and to expand the overall capacity of producing chilled water, a new Central Utility Plant is being constructed at the corner of Colorado and 17th Street. (Contractor: JE Dunn Construction)

Package 4 – 1801 Congress Office Building
The flagship of the Capitol Complex is the new George H.W. Bush State Office Building at 1801 Congress and MLK Blvd. The construction of the five floors of underground parking is complete, and the first few floors of the 14-story tower is now visible above ground. (Contractor: Flintco)

Package 5 – 1601 Congress Office Building
The second building of Phase I of the Capitol Complex is the 1601 Congress State Office Building. This will be the new home to the Capitol Complex Child Care Center, a conference center and tenant offices. (Contractor: White Construction)

Package 6 – Underground Parking Garage and Texas Mall
Construction of the underground parking structure beneath the Texas Capitol Mall has begun with work at the northern end of Congress Avenue near the UT Campus. Later this month, a new crane will be installed to support this project. (Contractor: White Construction)

Summer in Austin usually means less traffic in the downtown area making it a great time to complete utility and construction work. This year is no exception. Watch the progress of the Texas Capitol Complex and all its packages anytime by viewing the project cameras. Links to the cameras can be found under Construction Area Photos and Videos on the project website or click the links below:

1801 Congress State Office Building
1601 Congress Office Building
Texas Capitol Mall

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